Thursday, February 28, 2013

Of Mice And Men :: Chapter 3 Notes


Chapter three began with George telling Slim about why him and Lennie left Weed in the first place. Lennie had wanted to touch a girl's dress, he just likes to feel things. But when Lennie wouldn't let go, the girl was frightened and told the law that she had been raped, of course she was not. When Lennie bursts through the door, all remnants of the conversation dissipate and George greets Lennie like he always would asking about his new pup. Lennie had snuck the pup back to the bunkhouse, only to be told to bring it back. "Slim had not moved. His calm eyes followed Lennie out the door. 'Jesus,' he said. 'He's jes' like a kid, ain't he.'" (Steinbeck pg 43). Lennie is just like a kid and he doesn't know what to do or how to handle situations like an adult would. Next, Carlson persuades to "take care" of Candy's old, smelly dog; Candy is incredibly reluctant, but there isn't much an old man with one hand could do. Curley comes looking for his wife once again, which seems to be a recurring problem for him. After Candy's dog is shot and Curley retreats once again, George and Lennie talk about their plans for living in nice ten-acre land with pigs and rabbits and everything else they could ever want. Candy listens in from his spot on his bed and offers to help pay for the place and cook and tend the chickens in return to stay at their future home. Candy confesses that he has no family to go back to and he would leave his will to George and Lennie. The three agree and their agreement is kept a secret for now. Curley is back asking about his wife again and when Lennie laughs at Candy's joke, Curley immediately gets up and starts pounding Lennie in the face. Lennie doesn't react to well, first asking for George's help then breaking all the bones in Curley's hand. Curley is transported to a doctor and swears to not tell a soul about the recent dilemma.


Characters: Lennie

Will Lennie pet his new pup to hard and eventually kill it or will he be able to control himself from hurting the puppy?

Characters: Curley and Lennie
Where/When: The Bunkhouse

Curley picks a fight with Lennie at the end of the chapter and they tell him not to tell his father, the boss. Will Curley be able to stay tight-lipped? What would happen if he didn't?

Characters: Curley's Wife
Where/When: ?

Where is Curley's wife? What is she up to? Will she even play an important role in the novella?


In this chapter, George and Lennie talk about a great, almost impossible, future home for them both to live in.  I predict that this will never happen, that something will come up and the two will have to continue their search for jobs. A book set during the Great Depression can't possibly have a good ending.

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